Wednesday, April 19, 2017

[DISCUSSION] Do you think this generation of kids could be the first in a while to be less tech competent than their parents?

Hopefully that question makes sense, but I'll try to explain what I mean.

Over the last several decades, each generation has grown up with an increasing amount of technology incorporated into their lives. The trend, therefore, has been that each generation has become more and more competent operating computers and other electronic devices than the last. But I feel that this current generation (kids born in the 2000's and later) may break that trend. My reason for thinking this is mostly due to the improvements that have been made in user interfaces. When I was growing up (in the 90's), I was surrounded by technology from a very young age, but I feel that devices and software during that time were significantly less user friendly and more difficult to operate. It required me to develop a deeper understanding of the programs I was using, beyond just the menu screens. When I watch my nieces and nephews use an iPad, though, it's quite a different experience. Everything is bold and colorful. Navigation is a breeze, and malfunctions and crashes are extremely rare. Everything is very intuitive, and all just works how it should. There are apps developed specifically for kids that take only a few minutes for them to learn how to use.

In addition to devices, I've seen a similar phenomenon with video games. In the past, there weren't many games made specifically for young children. When I was 4 years old, I was playing all the games my 15 year old brother was playing. It took a while to learn how to play these games, but we did it. Because it was all that we had. Today, there are thousands of games made for kids even as young as 2. They're fun and cheap, and kids love them. But I don't believe they exercise the technical parts of the brain like "adult" games do.

I'm curious to hear some of your thoughts.

TL;DR: OP patted his generation on the back and criticized the younger generation for having it too easy. Where have we seen that before? :)

Submitted April 19, 2017 at 08:42PM by LukeVenable via TikTokTikk

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