Tuesday, December 12, 2017

ActionTec MoCA ECB6200 Help....

So, lately I've been having major Wi-Fi issues in my new apartment. The modem/router are in another room while the PS4 I'm trying to get hard-wired is in mine.

I have a coaxial cable in my room that is connected to the modem/router, so I figured instead of running wires all which-way through my house, I bought the ActionTec ECB6200 so I could make this easier, but now my PS4 won't connect to the internet. I have:

Wall coaxial - Coax In PS4 Ethernet - MoCA Ethernet Power plugged in

Could someone please help/guide me into what to do. I've tried looking up videos and diagrams alike and nothing is helping me at all. :(

Submitted December 13, 2017 at 04:55AM by mysterin http://ift.tt/2nTZ3P8 via TikTokTikk

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