Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Should unrestricted access to the internet be a right or a privilege?

In the West, we're taught that it's our right to have un-restrictred access to the internet and that any form of rules or regulations online are a threat to democracy

– I don't agree.

We have to pass multiple exams to drive a car, we need qualifications for many jobs and in every city there are lots of rules and restrictions, like road rules, that help society function and keep us safe every day.

Online today we see the unintended consequences of completely free and unrestricted access to the internet. For example:

People with dementia being vulnerable to rip off deals Sex offenders can use dating apps unchecked There are no safety nets for people with online gaming addictions Young people routinely post content they later regret

I know that GDPR regulation is coming into play in Europe very soon and it addresses some of this stuff but isn't it time for implementing more practical ways to protect and equip people to be online, just like we've done for centuries in cities?

Submitted March 20, 2018 at 10:24PM by iritpollinator http://ift.tt/2Gb55ms via TikTokTikk

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