Sunday, July 22, 2018

WEIRD Find My iPhone story/HELP


So today, I left my iPhone sitting at a restaurant table for less than a minute. I realized I forgot my phone and turned back to go get it. My waiter also helped me look for it, but after a while, I became convinced that someone swiped it. At first I thought the bus boy might have had it but the person I was having lunch with said that they were suspicious of a group of guys sitting across from us.

In order to not make a scene (we were in a sketchy area of town, very dangerous), we headed home and I borrowed someone else's iPhone to use the Find My iPhone app. I used it and it at first said it was still at the restaurant. We began to turn around to retrieve it but then I noticed that the signal was now moving. It looked as if whoever had it was leaving the restaurant. It eventually ended up across town (5 or so miles from the restaurant) before I finally decided it would be safe to erase the phone (I had credit card info in there, naturally).

I did give the restaurant a means of contacting me. A few hours later, the waiter had called me and told me the bus boy found my phone and that they have it waiting for me. Again, I looked extensively all around my booth, under the seats, and everything, to make sure the phone wasn't there when I first realized it was not on my person. I told him this was odd since the FMI app showed that it was long gone, but that I would be able to pick it up tomorrow.

My question is this: would it be a plausible explanation that FMI malfunctioned? Or would it be safe to say that in some way, the thief returned my phone? And if this is the case, what would you do? I feel like it is awfully suspicious that my phone all of a sudden turns up right back at the place it was stolen after being across town. But I really don't know if I should go retrieve it or not, it just seems really sketchy. Let me know what you think!

Submitted July 23, 2018 at 10:47AM by Professional_Donkey via TikTokTikk

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