Monday, August 20, 2018

Google Glass is back

So back in 2013, Google Glass was released but it was too early for its on time that people didn't fully support it. Back then I thought "what a waste of money and time" because really, what does the glass could do that my phone couldn't? Okay, yes, there's the hands-free part, but back then the world may not be really for something as innovative as that. But now, Google Glass 2.0 is back with some upgrades, and after reading some articles about it and found out that it was actually beneficial to business industries I realized that, perhaps, now is the time everyone give it another chance. I come across this blog post on Android Central where the author cited that although there are some people that still have doubts about it, perhaps it is a product that we will want by 2019. The question is, are we ready for something like Google Glass 2.0 this time?

Submitted August 20, 2018 at 05:08PM by applesnbluebird via TikTokTikk

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