Tuesday, October 2, 2018

headphone cords are outdated, what else is ancient tech?

People just don't wear headphones with cords anymore, or at least it seems that way in the city I live in.

Seriously, headphones with wires/cords are so 1990s. Do people who still wear non-wireless headphones realise how oldschool they look with a long wire coming out of their head?

The days of headphones with wires are over, seriously a beeper seems more technologically advanced than a set of headphones with some long ass wire coming out of it...

Does anyone here still keep it 'retro' and opt for headphones with big cords?

You know what else is ancient history? Computer mouses! Who, apart from baby boomers and people who have been too cheap to buy a macbook and thus missed the touchpad wave, still uses a mouse? Some big clunky unnecessary piece of ancientness, akin to a tape cassette walkman.

Something else that's becoming a laughing stock? Mobile phones with buttons and plastic frames. Whoever hasn't got an iPhone X or above still puts up with this.

Basically, headphone cords have quickly become extremely oldschool, computer mouses have become loserish and these days I cant help but think 'dude, you're still rocking a phone with a button'...


Submitted October 02, 2018 at 05:09PM by AspiringVagabondd https://ift.tt/2QjDHUC via TikTokTikk

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