Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I have a game console concept

Well I am mainly on Ps4 most of my days and I've had the idea that hopefully one day I can accommodate a game console launch. I want to have more time to do the things I love to do on ps4 but the main problem I find over and over is that I have a limit on how I want to feel like in games. Another thing is how I picture it in my mind is drastically different than what is currently out on the shelves literally and in digital stores. One last thing I feel that hurts gaming for me is that as a hardcore gamer it is very hard to complete a game and find that it is also repayable in different storyline and without that I feel it is repetitive, hardly anymore than the definition of insanity, and more than anything my anxiety spikes up and tells me to put down the controller. I always dreamt of a game console that takes all that and makes gaming make sense again without hurting my confidence in gaming overall and personally a good incentive to put in time and effort into making games that count towards good feelings and eventually habits that produce productivity in and of itself. It would transform the way I see the world, and that is the most challenging thing I experience on a everyday level. Personally, if I were to complete this project, I would have better time to contemplate on things that matter the most, life. I believe gaming isn't just what you want it to be, it is a transforming experience that helps me progress and see what I've been through to help deal with doubts, worries and the way I feel. It complements what I've known to be the best of me, and more so than any dating profile, my gaming history explains my desires and wants in life. Okay, now that is out the way, I'll describe my idea of a gaming console that may also appeal to others that want to feel better about gaming and start living through their lives with confidence, with the end goal of making experiences pleasant or a learning experience in itself. My idea is to make a game console that empowers gamers that feel that gaming is hard to get into, and also to feel that experience that hardcore gamers have. The adrenaline, the rush of blood that makes it hard to leave. The experience itself is an instant classic. Knowing this, the concept would be crystal shaped, lit up by energy efficient leds and with rgb based on what mood is being played. The software is cloud based and can hold heavy duty games in a wide variety and very well for the capacity. Well that's what I have for right now. Thank you if you got this far into this fever dream of mine. I want to crowdfund it so it can be free when it comes to market, but that's just a concept. Thank you.

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 05:50AM by creativemind4 via TikTokTikk

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