Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Some problems with my pc

Alright im officially stumped. So heres the deal. About a year ago my computer starting having a problem in which it would randomly turn off, if i tried to turn it back on it would have no display and my mouse and keyboard wouldn't light up. This would solve itself if it left it unpowered for around 5 hours, sometimes more sometimes less. About 6 days ago the same happened except it will not turn on now. Ive noticed one of the fans will not turn on if plugged into the motherboard itself but is still funcional if i plug it somewhere else. Ive tried CMOS resetting, switching ram around, checking if my my ssd and harddrive are properly connected, and trying to turn it on by plugging the monitors cable directly to the motherboard and not the GPU. I'm assuming its either my motherboard or my PSU that died but would like a second opinion. Nothing i found online helped and i would rather not waste money on parts if its fixable. Any and all help is appreciated.

Submitted December 26, 2018 at 07:11AM by Bluhite http://bit.ly/2ERCmm4 via TikTokTikk

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