Thursday, August 15, 2019

All in one - global media access (taxed?)

I initially thought of posting this on r/thinktank or r/brainstorming but they are dead, and r/science only allows linking to published papers. Feel free to suggest a better sub than this if you know one.

Convenience is king. All day.
I'm from europe and almost all roads are public. Let me drive now, tax me later. It works just fine.
Same with most infrastructures, water, electricity, etc.
I don't know why this couldn't be the case for social media and virtual platforms too.

So... competition is said to be beneficial, but everyone hates logging in to a dozen different services to consume music, media, watching movies or playing games, have "pay2use" speedbumps and required logins etc. The goal (dream) here would be to have instant easy access to every virtual service, like browsing any page - but without ads and optional login/profiles. Seperate platforms would remain as they are best suited, optimised and with customisable interfaces and user preferences; for example steam for gaming, netflix and youtube for music, movies, shows and user generated content. Yes, there are a lot of problems, regional laws, politics, etc., let's dig into those later.
The idea is to have everything ever made in "one" place, online. There shouldn't be anything like private ownership on something with extreme popularity and of high cultural value, so that it could be pulled or deleted just "because I can" said the owner. All of the things should be available for everyone, unedited, raw, with all the different versions, etc.

You could download any music/ movie/ game(if possible) and play it later. No online streaming or presence required.
You can login, set up your preferences, create a profile and lists, save custom settings, interact with the community and other users, contact creators, rate, vote, etc., all optional. Or you can hit the site/app you want and consume whatever without any of the above. You like a song and want to hear it right now? Click and go. No ads. You can even lock your phone and have the playlist go on. No bullshit. Tax me later.

Our first problems are language and cultural barriers, so we'll be focusing on the western section for starters...
How do we fund this? Our target market is 20% of the global population, that's NA and the EU mostly, gross 1,4 billion people. Cut ~30% (everyone under 18 and over 65) and we get a pool of roughly 1 billion tax payers.
Progressive income based tax, the rare richest millionaires pay maybe $100-1000 a month (some sort of cap), but the monthly median citizen fee would be around $5, making more than $50 billion every year. That should be plenty to cover anything from server costs to royalties. Big brain time for all the business experts, my cost projections are based on absolutely nothing so if you have any grip on the real numbers here, let me hear you please.

This money goes into a transparent fund, all stats trackable online open for the public.
Published content creators/ studios/ producers get royalties paid based on total/ timely views/ plays/ activity/ popularity.
This should be enough motivation for companies to get their projects funded privately by displaying their stats, or apply for some sort of semi-pre-paid assistance if they provide the neccessarities.

The second problem is freedom of speech, hot topic in a time when Alex Jones and many other get reeeeeeported and deplatformed, being targeted by the radical left that is supported by the power hungry elite and silicon valley.
We would have to allow everyone to maintain a online presence, and let people accept to get offended and deal with it.

Before we go into all the details with more walls of text, let me know any other major hurdles that I've missed so far, things that try to stop this open-for-all data bank from happening.

Submitted August 15, 2019 at 12:36PM by WaitAndBake via TikTokTikk

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