Sunday, October 27, 2019

Are there any tools that show you truly random websites?

So since the internet has become so over-saturated with tracking and "suggested" links it seems like the machine learning algorithms have completely beaten out any sense of random discovery on the internet.

A perfect example is youtube. All I get for suggested videos are topics, and sometimes even videos, that I've seen a million times before. Even the search results are highly curated to what youtube thinks will keep me on the site. I feel like its hard to discover something novel and new.

It's as if I'm in some kind of digital bubble that I can get out of. I'm inside the matrix.

I've done some searching for a webapp that will take me to random websites, like chat-roulette but for websites. But I haven't found anything. All the apps I've found either are broken or are "random useless websites"(the useless web), which isn't what I'm looking for.

I want to see what the internet really looks like. I want to discover something entirely new, not this filtered version of reality.

So are there any webapps that will take you to random registered domains?

If not, is there a master list someone of all registered domains? I could potentially make this app myself.

Submitted October 28, 2019 at 02:27AM by cryptonewsguy via TikTokTikk

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