Friday, November 8, 2019

China is making a huge mistake by letting Huawei fight alone

I read this article today and it made me sad how much effort Huawei is making just to stay alive as a company. The Huawei case has shown China is in an emergency situation that is as dire as not having a nuke while a Nuclear power is threatening.

US can destroy China's phone companies overseas business anytime by just switching off Google. Its not just appstore. Most Android apps rely on Google Play services. Chinese companies will be doomed without it.

US can force Taiwan or other companies to cutoff supplies to any Chinese company by threatening to put them into entity list. Again, this means even Samsung or TSMC might stop selling their chips. That will destroy these companies even at home.All Chinese phone, Laptop or any type electronics companies are under huge threat.

Huawei is trying to develop alternatives to Google services such as Maps library and Huawei Core to replace Google Play services. But can such effort be successful if Huawei is the only one using it?

Huawei will not be that successful when other chinese companies still use google apps and services. It will create unfair disadvantage for Huawei since most app makers will not have the incentive to support them when its only Huawei having a different platform. This is the same problem Windows phone faced and ultimately failed. And these other chinese companies like Xiaomi will not take the tough decision and sacrifices needed to get rid of US dependence as long as they are not also banned.

Can Huawei designed instruction set be successful if Xiaomi still uses ARM? No, sadly. it will be losing business massively.

Huawei laptop business is over due to Windows ban. Can a Huawei developed laptop with a different OS be ever successful even in China, when every other Chinese company makes laptop with windows?

There should be a combined effort among these companies to create one common system used by all chinese companies. There should be a few powerful system companies for things like Chip instruction set, Operating sytem and Phone App store instead of the current separate effort by everyone at the same time that ultimately will fail due to fragmentation.

Chinese govt should make this effort to force these companies to make sacrifices now. There should be a requirement of using atleast 30% or whatever percentage of phones or laptops that must be released with a chinese made OS or chip or app store. There should be effort to create companies for systems where all these phone or electronic companies will have joint ownership.

Companies will only focus on short term gains and ultimately lose. China must make effort to create a long term safety.

Huawei should not fight alone. Xiaomi and Oppo and others should help and create one Chinese alternative end-to-end system instead of fighting among each other.

Submitted November 08, 2019 at 06:39AM by reed_von_ingalls via TikTokTikk

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