Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Developing a witness sensor, would love to hear if it interests people, and how you would use it

(Posting for a friend and asked the modteam first)

Hi r/tech ! We are a team of students in general management in Switzerland and for the last year of our master we work in relationship with a center of microtechnics and electrotechnics that developed a technology and we must find applications for it. But to do that we first want to know what people even expect from it! I know this sounds like self-promotion but I won't be giving away the company name nor any contact info (and this Reddit account is my personal), what we really want are your opinions.


But first a presentation of said device:

Our device is a sensor that measures and monitors different factors such as air quality, temperature, humidity, light and it can also use a camera to take pictures. The device is plugged on a flexible photovoltaic cell (PV cell) that can also generate power in non-direct sunlight (inside a room, house, ...). The PV cell is built as a sticker so you can basically stick it wherever you want. The device works in ultra-low-power (ULP) and communicates the data through Bluetooth LE.

Photo of our sensor:

We can integrate different captors (visual, sound, infra-red, chemical) it holds a battery, a memory chip and a small processor that can support an already trained IA or another basic program.

The consumer buys the number of “PV stickers and sensors” that they needs. They can use one by room to monitor their interior. Then the data can be sent (encrypted or not) to their phone / computer or monitoring device. Our goal there is to save energy and its costs by monitoring your interior simply and efficiently.

Since the device can support an already trained IA we wanted to make it open source so that any customer can create their own program and share it with the community. Which is where you might be interested?


We're looking for opinions, inputs, etc on this tool, especially from people with programming background (but from everyone really).

What do you think about this technology? Would you have use for it? What would you make you want to use it? And how far would you go with this?

Submitted November 14, 2019 at 04:34AM by Milleuros via TikTokTikk

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