Saturday, November 23, 2019

Tech for education

I‘m an experienced teacher with a new school division and I joined the Tech Committee. The head office asked us to find innovative tech ideas for education, and bring them to the next meeting. The catch is, whatever ideas we bring have to be practical in the sense that the tech can be used in classroom settings, and distributed to various schools. Also, it has to be reasonably priced for classroom use. The educational component also has to be there, obviously.

I’m already doing coding, so I’m going to start with some of that because it’s new to this division (I’ve done Scratch,, and Coding Arcades (like a science fair but for coding).

I also wanted to show Google Cardboard even though it’s not so practical for classroom use. The glasses themselves are cheap, but to do it with younger kids who don’t have their own cell phones isn’t “marketable” for a larger division.

I was going to show a Makey Makey- which basically functions like a controller for coding.

I feel like I need something else and wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. I’m not sure where else to post this, but any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted November 23, 2019 at 06:58AM by Ceandanna via TikTokTikk

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