Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Clue to identify spoofed/restricted phone numbers?

Is it possible/probable that when someone uses a spoof app that the app selects digits from within their phone and scrambles them into the number that shows up when they spoof you and that using a spoof-call unmasking app can give clues to who might have spoofed you? read on for details ...I have someone I used to know who I'm pretty sure periodically and irregularly spoofs a number and calls me. Their actual phone area code is from a remote small town in the southeast US (where he used to live). I use an app to "unmask" the number and periodically the number that is unmasked isn't his number, but from the same rural area code. If find that odd; too odd to attribute to randomness considering how many area codes the call could possibly have come from. Other times the area code is from other rural/small area codes in the southeast US proximal to where the person lives or has lived that I know she has friends in his contact list that are from those area codes. There is no pattern, and they aren't frequent. I'm thinking it's more than chance that the spoofed calls frequently show these area codes and not other area codes across the country because they originate from his phone and are scrambled. Thoughts?

Submitted February 26, 2020 at 08:35PM by aglazier via TikTokTikk

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