Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hey Redditors! I need your help for a Tech based project I'm working on!!!

Hey guys! I'm a college senior and I'm working on a project which is centered around internet call based interaction between people who ask for technical advice/expertise and who provide technical advice/expertise online,for free.

If you're willing, it'd mean so much to me if you had 5 mins to hear me out so I could ask you a few specific questions on how you ask queries and how you use this forum.

Key qualifier- strongly preferred if you've previously helped people by offering technical advice /experience. Thank you so much! PM or comment and I'll follow up :)

Question 1) What motivates you to help others?

Question 2) Are you satisfied with the current text based Q/A forums, can you explain your problem/ situation to the fullest to other users only by means of textual conversations?

Question 3) Can you feel empathy while you are helping / asking help from people in a text based conversation?

Question 4) Have you ever wanted a call interaction between you and the other person but couldn't, cause of privacy concerns?

PS - I'm no spammer or self promoter. I really need insights from people like you helping each other :)

Submitted February 27, 2020 at 03:55PM by DhayalD400 via TikTokTikk

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