Tuesday, February 25, 2020

In what ways will technological transhumanism enable humans to "transcend" defecation?

Humans are very intelligent animals, capable of complex thought, innovation and establishing, building and maintaining civilisations and advanced technology, amongst other things.

But, as you all know, humans still breathe, sleep, produce waste in a variety of manners and...defecate, much like most other mammals and other animal species etc. (Digestion is a complex operation which is undertaken via the digestive system and the process begins as soon as food is consumed or even just smelled. Defecation is the end of the complex process - a process which sees all sorts of important nutrients assimilated into the body and contributes to a variety of things like growth, energy, generation of blood, respiration, cerebral function etc)

In what ways do you think technological transhumanism will enable the species to "transcend" defecation? (Or do you think it's not important, not a priority?)


Submitted February 25, 2020 at 11:17PM by AnakinWayneII https://ift.tt/2ThGG2L via TikTokTikk

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