Friday, June 19, 2020

I propose a new tool to increase our power to create change by publicly pledging to join a mass action unless demands are met. clicktivism is a scam, mostly ignored they exist so we can feel 'at least i did something' rather than doing something. this would be 1-click participation but with teeth

I started writing this as a Reddit post out of frustration when the Cummings petition in the UK, which was a total waste of energy from the beginning, hit the top of the UK subs.

Half way through writing it I realised that the best case scenario was a few thousand angry up-votes and agreeing comments, and then ..nothing. Exactly like the thing i was posting to complain about.

So instead i turned the post into [a quick Kickstarter project](

The basic premise is that petitions are far too easy to ignore, and especially by Governments most are.

They are great at engaging people. 1 click and a nice feeling that you've done something, but what is that something?

If that one click was:

- a public pledge encouraging sharing on social media with the second click for all your friends to see what you have pledged to do

- to join in a (non-violent) mass action on a set date

- to occur if the pledge reaches a pre-agreed number of signatures

- if specific set of demands aren't met before that date

Then your one-click would be just as easy to join in with, but have some teeth if ignored. It would also encourage creative ideas for how to apply pressure as i consider protesting a fairly blunt tool also, given that the biggest protests in history were against the Iraq war, and...

The Kickstarter is pretty basic as its simply a converted Reddit post. If it gets some attention i'll add videos and wireframes, etc to make it more presentable and engaging. Also feel welcome to reach out if you'd like to join the team and help building it. Suggestions are welcome.

Honestly, i'm just exhausted of feeling like we are so powerless to the whims of a tiny group of elites and wanted to see a tool that would apply pressure more effectively.

Submitted June 19, 2020 at 08:13PM by roamingandy via TikTokTikk

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