Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Cable splitter question

Sorry but I don’t know where else to post this. I live in what used to be a hotel. I have a common area with a bedroom on each side. When I got cable internet the technician said that the cable jack in my room wasn’t getting a good enough signal so he installed the WiFi router in the common area. This was fine because it worked well enough with no real issues.

I got a roommate in the other room 2-3 weeks ago. I told him about my cable situation since he was also going to put his internet in his room. A couple days later I notice his router is also in the common area with a cable splitter being used for the one cable jack.

There was no problem with this until yesterday. I’m trying to play Genshin Impact on my PS4 which doesn’t require a crazy good internet connection but suddenly I’m getting disconnected all the time. Also things have been loading slower on my phone.

My roommate does gaming and streaming so I’m wondering if somehow he would have the ability to adjust the bandwidth so now I’m getting less and him more.

Submitted October 07, 2020 at 02:52AM by WatchingTaintDry69 https://ift.tt/3jCrXvf via TikTokTikk

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