Monday, December 7, 2020

Requesting information about screen/image recognition AI.

Hey, I'm an engg undergrad and am working on a project around AI. I am completely new to AI and and wanted to know some things related to a specefic area of its use. Please forgive me if this post reads a bit lame, Im a novice. What is the present scenario of screen/photo recognition AI. A product that can recognise and sort elements on the screen or specefically a screenshot. More precisely, I want to know about softwares which can recognise and automatically crop the main photo from a screenshot captured on say some social media like ig. Has something like this been done, ofcourse it has to be right? And can you provide some insights as to how it works, and some examples even. Thanks in advance!

Submitted December 07, 2020 at 02:12PM by UzumakiChetan10 via TikTokTikk

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