Sunday, December 20, 2020

What are the best ways to find out the general differences in tech hubs and the best ones for finding jobs in a specific niche within the tech industry? Also, what differences have you noticed yourself in industry and jobs availability between different tech jobs?

An example a difference between tech hubs was a post of a wordcloud I saw some time ago where Silicon Valley was more into hard tech where words like like AI, data, robotics, information technology, system software, etc. took precedence. Meanwhile San Francisco was more focused on sales and customer-oriented apps where words like user-experience, customer service, conversion rate, design, etc. took precedence.

I don't expect Covid to drive everything online. Especially in robotics where the products are physical objects so the work is best done at the location of the robots being worked on.

edit. There are the traditional big 3 of of the US; Silicon Valley, Seattle and Austin. But there are also numerous smaller tech hubs like Minneapolis, Raleigh, Washington DC, New York City, etc. There are also lesser-known established tech hubs like Dallas and Houston which haven't gotten as much public attention.

Submitted December 21, 2020 at 05:10AM by Idle_Redditing via TikTokTikk

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