Monday, August 15, 2016

Help deciding on new phone on a budget

Hi guys, I've been living my life with a broken Samsung Galaxy Ace for the past 6 months and I can't take it anymore.

I'm 21 but not very tech savvy, I have no clue when it comes to phones and their specs really. I have a budget which can't stretch any further than £115-£120. All I know is I'd like a phone which takes great pictures, can store a lot of games, music etc. And won't make me stand out as the dude with the old phone (tired of being that guy). From a little research I've narrowed down what I've found to be the 'best' according to various lists on google. The phones are:

Cubot X17

Smart Ultra 6

Nexus 5X

I have a friend who offered me an Iphone 5 for £50-£70 apparently brand new. Should I ask her about that? Sounds sketchy.

What do you recommend? Are the 3 listed above good or is there better?

Submitted August 16, 2016 at 07:45AM by wegethungry via TikTokTikk

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