Friday, August 19, 2016

How to stop room mate from spying on my internet use?

Ok, my room is definitely fucking spying on me. The other day I came home and under my "file explorer" tab on windows 8, I saw his computer listed under my documents, downloads, Hard drive etc. I immediately disconnected from our wifi and disabled file sharing. Yesterday, he got a notice about a torrent downloading. Then he says " I mean yeah, I checked your IP and all the traffic through your IP and you definitely weren't using wifi at 8:17 when Comcast reported an illegal download to me".

He's very tech savvy, a senior data analyst at Comcast where we get out wifi from.

If I get another provider for myself, will he still be able to see my internet history?

Would a VPN work? Or something?

Please, any advice would be great as I feel like I literally have no privacy.

Submitted August 19, 2016 at 10:30PM by tuf77678 via TikTokTikk

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