Wednesday, August 10, 2016

I can predict what you'll buy because I know what you see and how you feel. Tomorrow I'm doing an AMA at 1pm PST!

I’m Jean Templin, the VP of Product for Sticky.

I’m building the next generation customer experience platform measuring everything from eye tracking to emotions. If you give us access to your webcam, we can tell where you’re looking and how you’re feeling! Don’t worry, we’re not the NSA ---- you have to opt-in for every study (and everything is anonymous!) Video Emotion Analytics was just released today. You can read about how it can be used to save video marketers millions of dollars here, and for some more background on the tech and how emotions can predict behavior, check out this article here.

Using eye tracking and emotion coding, makers of visual content will be able to predict how visual media affects behavior. We can test anything from webpages to videos, and everything in between! Current customers include Nielsen, AOL, Dish, and others. We help them optimize their content before release.

I also encourage you to check out our site and sign up here to see much more.

Tomorrow you can ask me anything about eye tracking, visual optimization, and how emotions can predict behavior! Check out the AMA at 1pm PST on /r/iama!

Submitted August 11, 2016 at 12:14AM by JeanTemplinSticky via TikTokTikk

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