Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Looking for the best antivirus for an older computer user

Hey there, hopefully this is the best place to post this. I'm trying to help my father-in-law as best as possible with a new laptop purchase. He's looking at an HP laptop with Windows 10 (this one: and has asked me if he should purchase 2 years of Norton Anti-Virus with it for some special deal they're doing; I believe it's 2 years for the price of one.

I've been out of the PC game for a while now, but I know there used to be a lot of negative feelings toward Norton. Just wondering what things are looking like these days?

What would the best anti-virus be for someone who's got basic computer skills, uses their laptop for emails, browsing, news and photo storage? He's been known to accidentally click bad links before and wouldn't have the first clue about how to spot a virus coming right at him.

Any tips?

Submitted May 11, 2017 at 07:27AM by SantosMcGarry2016 via TikTokTikk

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