Saturday, December 15, 2018

Music downloading on both memories

Hey, i relaized something very weird, I have YouTube music and i also have an SD card where the music is downloading, the YouTube music app is telling me that the music has stored like 6.30 GB on my SD card and 0mb on my internal memory , but when I go to my phone settings and I check my internal memory I found out that the YouTube music app have a size of 6.89 GB, and inside my SD card is showing me that i already occupied 6.30GB out of 32, is it possible that YouTube music is downloading the music on my SD card and also in my internal memory ?

I'm afraid, cause I don't want to delete the data from the YouTube music app in my internal memory and then realized that my downloaded music is gone , what is happening?

Submitted December 16, 2018 at 04:50AM by Benji_Boy13 via TikTokTikk

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