Monday, December 10, 2018

Need help finding a partner to work on an idea

Hi there,

I am looking for someone who would be interested to work with me on an idea of mine.

The idea is about an alternative search engine. I described it here on a website I made

Does anybody have an idea, where I could find someone like this?

Short explanation of how I imagine the Memex: It's an alternative search engine in the sense, that it provides a different kind of search experience than any other search engine. It is not just another search engine with a slightly different search algorithm, but a totaly different thing. With google for example, you retrieve a specific information. With the Memex, you would explore the internet. You would start with a very vage search term, that opens up a very big field. You then choose one of the more accurate search terms presented to you, where you expect the most to find what you are looking for. You use the Memex, when you don't know what exactly you are looking for.

Example query: "good film"

google result: good (film) - A movie with the title "good"

Memex result: A variety of movie trailers to choose from - where the results changes with every new selection

The way I imagine the Memex, it would also have a visual component of some sorts. Like a map, to keep track of where you are in the internet.

Submitted December 10, 2018 at 07:53PM by POTatohunter via TikTokTikk

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