Sunday, April 21, 2019

Usb Help

Hey, I found this USB in one of the computers at the library in my school. It has the letters "WC" on it and when I put it into one of the computers it came up as "INFECTION" as the port. When I looked in the USB it only had a Text file and a .zip file. The .zip file is called "agent.clean.rbx" and the .rtf (text file) is called "pw.agent.clean.rbx". I'm not sure what to think of these so if anyone may be able to help me figure out what they are that would be great. I know some people are gonna tell me to open the .zip file but my computer comes up with an error message when I try. And the .rtf file only says "Password: okrbxmdg". Comment this with recommendations or things I should do.
Ps: I can't post a picture or link for some reason but when I can I'll tell you.

Submitted April 22, 2019 at 10:19AM by JinyangNumi via TikTokTikk

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