Friday, November 8, 2019

Facial Scanning monitor that can detect drivers emotions, alertness, and distractions that could lead to an accident.

Greetings Tech peoples,

I have a group project that entails making a theoretical product to help truck companies lower their accident rates.

Our product is described as follows...

The Drowsy Driving Detector is a facial recognition device that uses biometrics to map congruences and contrasts in the facial features and environments of drivers that correlate with heightened risk behaviors. The detector provides real time feedback of high risk driving behaviors, identifying factors such as sleep deprivation, increased driver distraction, and driver alertness. The internal technology of the detector has set algorithms that helps define the correlation of a driver's habits with the likelihood that the behavior can be attributed to a higher probability of an accident. The Drowsy Driving Detector provides real-time feedback through auditory and visual warnings according to a hierarchy of risks developed in the underwriting software within the device. Poor driver performance risks are itemized with low to high scale that entails feedback that becomes more emphatic and rapid if a behavior is repeated within a short window of time or the risk size of the behavior is very high. For example, the detector will provide a low frequency sound and or minor glare when a driver commits an observable lower tiered risk behavior such as gazing at their radio channel for too long. For higher tiered risks such as a driver beginning to nod off, results in a more strident sound at an accelerated pace. The internal hierarchy of risks monitored by the device (facial/environmental scanning and risk underwriting software) and external feedback given (auditory & visual) by the device are in sync to benefit the driver of his/her present state of probable peril, resulting in better prevention of accidents, furthering the company's bottom line.

What I need help doing is placing all the theoretical components to create this product. Below is the list I have so far. Please help me identify all theorectical components that need to be in this design. Below is what we have so far...

-camera : facial recognition + USB Port

- alarm : speaker

-lights : led light+ conducter

-charger: 12 volt charger port

-Casing: mount+ plastic casing

- circuit board

I feel as if we are missing so many things. Please provide me more components that would "realistically," make this hypothetical product. ALSO EXCLUDE ALL PACKAGING COMPONENTS

What kind of technology/software could I say is implemented in the facial recognition to justify that it can detect risk behaviors as stated in the our description.


Thank you all!!!

Submitted November 09, 2019 at 07:15AM by isaiahleh17 via TikTokTikk

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