Sunday, January 19, 2020

3400x1440 gaming 3900x w/cl16 or 3700x w/ cl14 @3600mhz

Hello all,

Trying to decide between a few different build options for ultrawide 3440x1440 gaming.

I understand that at that resolution, the GPU will be the bottleneck right now, but is there really no advantage for gaming in the foreseeable future?

I plan to max out the budget and right now, it's either:

3900x, 570 Strix gaming-e and 16gb 3600mhz cl16


3700x, (Tomahawk Max?) AMD 16gb 3600mhz cl14.

GPU is a 2080ti.

A third option to consider is a higher clocked 2080ti, but I'm not sure if that would make much of a difference either.

I'm curious about your thoughts and appreciate any input.

Submitted January 20, 2020 at 02:03AM by Longshot333 via TikTokTikk

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