Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Clearview AI, a threat to us all

I don't know how many people have heard of this but there is a startup called Clearview AI that has been taking billions of our photos off of social media and using it to train it's facial recognition software that can be used to track our every move.

One of the most concerning parts is that their CEO has previously made phishing applications and computer viruses that got him into legal trouble with the law. How can anyone trust him with the personal information of billions of people after that?

There have already been reports of their software used for stalking, and other reports of false arrests being made because of it. This makes me afraid of what is to come once it becomes more widely used around the world.

This is a huge threat to everyone's privacy, and I believe that in using private photos they have infringed on intellectual property rights by using photos that do not belong to them. Under copyright law the owner of the photos has exclusive rights to the photographs and Clearview AI was never given permission to use many of the photos that they have stolen.

Is there anything we can do to prevent this theft and to shut down this company before it's too late?

I refuse to play a role in the creation of a dystopian police state and I believe that the protection of our privacy is something everyone should be worried and speaking out about.

Thank you for everyone who has taken their time to read through this post, and I really hope that together we are able to do something about this terrible startup.

Submitted February 13, 2020 at 09:42AM by Mr_Danzilla via TikTokTikk

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