Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Future

Is it possible that by improving technology, we are actually making mankind worst?

With evolution of technology we are probably getting more depend on it more then ever, and with this, companies and people, in a certain way, in the future, can get ahead of other people just because of their welfare and their power to get the latest and improved tech.

One example of this is the company that Elon Musk invests on, Neuralink, where people in future will be able to connect their brain with some sort of chip where they can store or use it's computational power to improve themselves (general ideia, don't quote me on this). This is a great ideia, where people with brain disabilities can have, hopefully, a better life . But ,does this mean that, depending on the amount of money you pay for this, you will be, in general, a better individual?

I don't know, maybe this is just a dumb string of thoughts, written by a guy who doesn't have the slightest ideia of how far are we from this doomsday scenario or if we will ever get to this.

Maybe people who are experienced in this industry, may clarify those who are not informed about this.

With all of this said, have a great day redditors of tech.

Submitted February 01, 2020 at 08:02PM by robaleco via TikTokTikk

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