Sunday, September 23, 2018

Newegg's public response to the Magecart hack is unacceptable

Four days ago it was revealed that Newegg was hacked and had credit card information exposed for many people who made purchases during the time window 8/14 - 9/18

When I learned about this I went to Newegg's customer service webpage and found a message stating:

Yesterday we learned one of our servers had been injected with malware which was identified and removed from our site. We’re conducting extensive research to determine exactly what info was obtained and are sending emails to customers potentially impacted. Please check your email for any correspondence.

As of today there has been no update and this message hasn't even been updated. When I contacted their customer service, the representative I talked to stated that the customer service team has not received an update regarding this situation. I really hope I can get an email stating whether I am not affected or was potentially affected. But there's nothing. Apparently the web security team is not in communication with the customer service team.

By the way, the Newegg online chat system is something fit for /r/softwaregore

Submitted September 24, 2018 at 04:50AM by DragonSlave49 via TikTokTikk

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