Thursday, April 16, 2020

Confusing Unemployment Issue 😣

If anyone has knowledge/information at all on my issue with unemployment please let me know, anything is helpful.

So I received a check from my employer on the 10th of this month that was split up with a paycheck from the 2 weeks before (company paid us 50% of hours worked + up to 3 days of sick/vaca time in one check for March, and the other half was the one I got on the 10th). After the 5th is when I stopped earning compensation, anyways, when I was certifying for this week they asked if I received any bonus pay for the specified period of time and I selected yes because I wasn’t sure what or if I should report my check because they wrote ‘covid leave’ on the paycheck next to a $ amount and then added the $ of the sick time to that. I don’t know if leave pay is the same thing, but now my certification is still pending determination for a nonmon issue regarding bonus pay. I corresponded with them because they prompted me to add additional documentation on said pay, and the docs submissions have been processed it says but under the tab ‘determination status’ it still says in progress and open non monetary issue on another tab. I certified on Monday, submitted additional docs yesterday, but it’s still pending!

I should have close to $1,000 deposited by now but this bonus pay issue that was probably my mistake is just complicating everything.


Submitted April 16, 2020 at 11:48AM by emilybir via TikTokTikk

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