Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Technology and Inclusive Design?

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to get your feedback on a website I am currently designing for people with disabilities and businesses. I believe inclusive design is a critical aspect we should be incorporating into our lives.


There's also a slack community- https://join.slack.com/t/includability/shared_invite/zt-hl67w7c5-fybaSjtT4C1z8n2c2FONYQ and would love to see what you think of it!

The link above is a continuation of the project and would love to hear your thoughts and any feedback you can provide.

Particularly in its usability/suitability for users with and without disabilities. Although the website is still a work in progress.

Feel free to share this with anyone that might be interested.


Submitted September 29, 2020 at 01:21PM by jt669292 https://ift.tt/346Qlii via TikTokTikk

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