Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Which one among the list do I first do?

Make sure to lockdown my replacement laptop

Install administrative password

No sharing files over network

Make sure he doesn't get physical access.

Disable file sharing over the same wireless network

Require the administrative password to install files, and keep it a secret.

Also make my main account a user account.

Optional: Disable the usb ports in bios. This will prevent me from connecting any usb devices, dongles, reinstalling windows from a usb stick, so wouldn't recommend it if you can prevent him from gaining physical access.

Disable file sharing

Turn windows file sharing enabled off

https://www.actional.con/kb/disabling-file-sharing-Windows-10.html Pick an option. If you go through file explorer, it should be an option

If I face difficulties replacing my laptop, I can completely reset my Windows or even install a fresh copy. That way every installed piece of 3rd party software will be removed. Or I can get someone to do this.


Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition

I can install Windows inside Linux if I need to install Windows applications. This can be done using something called a Virtual Machine, and a free program like Virtual Box.

With my computer, simply put a BIOS boot password.

Just disconnect from the wifi while I type, then reconnect afterwards.

Linux software

Linux Operationg system

Install Linux Mint

Delete everything on the laptop will delete both Windows and the keylogger. When I delete everything, I have to put Windows and or/Linux in order to actually do anything on the computer.

To install Windows, Microsoft has a free tool which I can use to put Windows 10 on a USB Flash Drive: I stick the flash drive in my computer, and then tell BIOS to load the flash drive instead of Windows. On the flash drive, theres a program that can delete everything on your computer, and then install a new clean version of windows.

To install Linux theres a program called UNetBootIn: can download a Linux version of my choice and automatically put it in the flash drive. I then tell the BIOS to boot the flash drive and Linux is running automatically. On the new desktop will be an icon to permanently install it.

I could try to live boot some form of linux and save whatever you are typing to a usb stick. Either keep both usb sticks close.

Bootable Linux and keep the drive me at all times.

Boot from a usb flash drive

Get some silicon USB port protectors

"How to restart to uefi in Windows"

Set BIOS password if only for setup. I have to enter setup and set the password. To get into the setup I need need to either need to hit a key(most likely F1, F2, F12 or delete) or restart windows in a certain way.

Instead of returning the laptop I could have just reset windows from settings or backup my important files and reinstall windows. Resetting will remove all programs and reinstall windows. Resetting will remove all programs and reinstall windows. Also I can disable network sharing in control panel so nobody can access my laptop files through a network.

My password must be safe. It must not be known to him, the password that I use to access must not be known to him.

Don't reuse passwords, so that if my have the key for one lock, I can open all other locks.

If I don't trust what buas on the hard drive at purchasing time, then reinstall Windows.

Google "download windows 10" The first result is:

If I "reset" Computer(it's in the setting, I can search in the start menu) and set a different computer password, then the machine is clear, and any such stuff is gone.

Do not share password. Do not share them with other people, do not share them between sites.

Encryption. In the settings. Search for it in the start menu. It might be called "bitlocker" depending on my version of Windows.

Don't click on links in suspicious emails

Dont reuse passwords

Spy shelter software solution

Reset windows or use spy shelter

Get an anti-keylogger software. Example: spy shelter. Get spy shelter or any other anti-keylogger software

Nuke windows, that it's format the pc only saving your data. Place a secure password for admin, create a non administrator account and hide the admin one. Disable all the USB ports on my laptop I can do a batch file to do that. Relatively easy to do, just Google how to do all this stuff

Format the pc

Disable all usb ports

hide the admin account

linux live-CD. Prepare it someplace I trust. After I take the CD out, and restart, the windows files are untouched. Just save my "secret files" on a USB stick, and nobody should be able to access them.

I could do encryption, but I think, a new(non-windows) system should be enough.

Set strong passwords, and good encryption, always lock you computer even when I go to the toilet, or better entirely turn it off. Go Linux. Reboot Restore Rx

I need to harden my setup before anyone has a chance to access it physically. There are ways to prevent a lot of physical attacks, or at least make them take a lot longer to perform. Here are some useful comments windows-10-security/hardening-windows-10-on-an-it-pro-s-laptop/m-p/180502 Another good resource is

Reinstall windows fresh. I can create a flash drive to reinstall windows with. Then once my computer is clean, disable autorun and autoplay on all drives. Make sure to set up a strong password. And make sure to set a bios password How to set bios password: How to create windows install media: How to disable autorun/autoplay:

Fresh install and good encryption

install a second operating system like Linux mint and switch to it whenever I need privacy. I could try that

Learn to run a live version of Kali Linux from a quality USB memory device. SanDisk-Ultra128GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive-Black Model:SDC248-128G-A46 SKU:9044257. Keep that USB secret, and on my person when not in use.

Download a bootable copy of Ubuntu or any linux you wish into a pendrive and boot it from that. Everytime I reboot it will be brand new again. Boot Linux from pendrive. I can safely use the linux from the pendrive and I can remove and stash it under the bed.

For if I reset to a known save state directly after, and it's not connected to a network and there's nothing else that enables the malware to jump the air gap, it's probably going to be fine. I may want to make sure to save the typed text as raw text to make sure there's no virus embedded in the file.

One thing I can do is create a second user account without administrator rights. That way programs won't be able to be installed unless I have the administrator password. Also I may want to get a vpn and frequently check my computer for anything unusual(new programs, icons, etc).

Dig into system files searching for keyloggers in file management, if no success try a computer factory reset.



Tails OS

harden my laptop

Linux boot drive

ubuntu usb stick

ubuntu usb drive

ubuntu drive

Linux usb stick

Linux software

Linux laptop

Do it(type it) from boot able Linux boot drive

Maybe turn off auto run so he can't just install stuff by plugging it in.

wipe drive(s) of laptop completely clean. The clean install Linux on it.

Setup a BIOS-Password and a bootup password, naturally.

Install Veracrypt or use the disk encryption Linux offers.

Make sure I use Linux only on a regular account, not the root account.

Pay for a VPN service and use the home wifi only with it enabled.

boot from a usb drive that contains its own operation system.

Get a large USB drive. Partition the USB drive with a few gigs for the OS and the rest of the storage available for writing. Create a bootable USB drive that has a linux distro on the smaller partition. Then wipe my laptop's storage drive or remove it entirely. Boot from the usb drive every time for a fresh OS. Save whatever files you need/want on the other partition of the USB. Carry the USB drive on your person when not in use.

Use Linux

Use a VPN

Get Linux

Search a YouTube tutorials on how to install Linux

PureOS or Kali

Turning off keyloggers, and maybe even look security software to protect me from this sort of thing.

Switch to Linux

Manjaro KIDE

Set a BIOS password.

Enable these options in BIOS: 1.[optionally] I may disable USB ports. 2.Set secure boot 3.Set UEFI boot 4.Set boot device priority so that your laptops's storage(SSD or HDD) was #1 3.Boot up from live USB and wipe out your SSD/HDD 4.Install new OS. I strongly recommend Linux(Manjaro, Ubuntu, Mint, PopOS are the most user-friendly). However if I want Windows, it's still possible to secure the OS from my dad. 5.Encrypt your storage devices(Bitlocker for Windows), not sure if Linux needs any. 6.And finally use VPN when you are at your fathers home. VPN creates a point-to-point encrypted connection from my device to a remote host.

Turn off file sharing on windows 1.Search for "Control Panel" then click on the best march to open it. 2.Under "Network and internet", click on "view network status and tasks." 3. On the next page, click "Change advanced sharing settings." 4.Under "file and printer sharing," tick off "turn off file and printer sharing." 5. To prevent network snoopers from seeing my computer, tick off "Turn off network discovery" too. 6. Save changes.

Or maybe try this =

USE a VPN 24/7

Linux distro

Delete everything

Reinstall Windows. Add a BIOS password and always shut down my PC.

Don't use Windows, and use a Linux based operating system instead. It's possible to install Windows inside Linux even using a virtual machine to have a more secure install of Windows.

Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition 20

Submitted September 24, 2020 at 01:34AM by LoanConnect4345 via TikTokTikk

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