Sunday, September 27, 2020

What are your feelings on VR/AR?

Hello all, I am new here. Let me introduce myself I am Jake, I am 22 years old and I have a very very firm stance that VR and AR are the future and will most likely be bigger than Amazon in terms of market capitalization of industries. How can one technology do this? Well it's quite simply because just like the internet in it's early stages, there is not a single industry that CAN'T benefit from these technologies. Medical (practice of surgeries, medicine simulations, training, etc), construction (virtual walkthrough of designs, trainings, and more), military, fire, police, and EMTs (all benefit from this in training purposes), movie (live up close put yourself in the movie experiences), music (virtual concerts and up close studio experiences), sports (field side seats see all the action up close, possibly even views based off of players wearing cameras), gaming (one of the most current uses of VR), social media (vr coffee shops, bonfires, social gathering rooms, social events), event industry (virtual car show walk throughs, and other event show walk throughs), car industry (this one could go hand in hand with gaming but virtual test drives, virtual look around inside and outside of the car, VR assembly experience). So as you can see I can go on and on and on but I ran out of characters lol. VR would and should capitalize on trainings, up close and personal experiences, virtual walk throughs, and more!

I would love to hear your opinions on this. And remember, the man who bought 1000 horses to sell when Henry Ford released his car lost big.

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 11:13PM by jakeshrimplin via TikTokTikk

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