Friday, November 6, 2020

How powerful is the Mac Mini?

I can look at tech specs all day, but qualifying that into real world performance is something I can't do. For those of you who either have the Mac Mini or know how powerful it is, what is the performance like?

I currently have a work-from-home set up that sucks. I bought a cheap laptop in March that I thought I'd be using for a few weeks, but eight months later I've turned it into a desktop computer with a monitor and docking system. My main complaint is that it's simply not powerful enough to power the monitor. The laptop screen is some crappy 15" 720p LCD with washed out colors, while it's powering a 27" 1080p display. Whenever I have video playing, whether it's YouTube or if I'm on a video conference, the laptop gets super hot, the fan runs loud, and the whole laptop start to freeze and stutter. Furthermore, it'll even occasionally do this as I'm just using the internet, although that's less an issue. I would like to add a second monitor to my set up, but I just have a real hard time believing the laptop is going to be able to support it.

So, my question is: how powerful is the Mac Mini? Do you think it'll be powerful enough to run two 27" 1080p monitors, even when video is playing, or do you think I'll have the same issues? Ideally, I wanted to upgrade to a MacBook Pro, but I simply can't afford it. The $779 price point of the Mac Mini is much easier to swallow than the MacBook Pro, even with a student discount (my brother is college and I plan to utilize him).

Submitted November 06, 2020 at 09:07PM by kimbolll via TikTokTikk

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